Thursday, January 1, 2009

Writing after a long time.

i am writing after a very time,in my blog.I did't got time to write a post in my blog,due to some reasons.
But i had taken a new resolution in 2009 that i will write regularly in my blog.
Well form last month we all are together,i mean most of my college friends.

We all are here living together,and there are very few people who got chance to stay with their college friends after the completion of their education.
But we are lucky enough that after completing our graduation, we are still together enjoying here again college life.
Just only change that has occur now is that,now it's not college now we are in offices,but rest is same.
I wish we can stay long together in future.
We all are staying here in Mumbai.Far away from our native place ,"Beautiful Himachal",But rarely we miss our families here.
Next weekend we are planning to go "FARMHOUSE",which has almost 2hrs run from here.
It's specially for you Bhanu ,who is tallest boy in our Group.
Everything is planned now,let's wait for next weekend,we are going to celebrate new year there.


Unknown said...

badke ka farm house..............enjoy